Your body language speaks louder than your words. It is the thing which you do not notice but the people around you notice so try to build your personality that impresses everyone.
Follow these simple ways to groom your body language:
Eye Contact:
Make it a rule: keep your chin up and so your eyes. Don't walk or converse with the lower eyes. Lower eyes are the reflection of low confidence and confidence is everything. Whenever you communicate, communicate with eyes in eyes, never get nervous to look into the eyes but do not stare. It becomes little awkward.When in public: for example you are giving some speech in a meeting, do look in eyes of everyone to take everyone into your confidence. Moreover if you give too much eye contact possibly you might get confused and unconsciously your self confidence might lag and this is how body language get dizzy.
Remember: EYES SPEAK.
Sit Or Stand Straight with back shoulders:
To sit or stand straightly is what makes your whole personality. Lower shoulders looks like a dumb. Shoulders should always be at back so that you may look like confident. Your sitting style should always be relaxing and Standing straight with shoulders back are the most positive signs of body language because standing or walking or sitting with lowering your shoulders gives the effect as if you are tensed or fatigued. Make it a habit to stay straight by practicing in front of mirror so that you may get habitual to stay straight even unconsciously.Smile:
Smiling is one of the positive signs which helps you the other to take in confidence. Smile when you meet someone, give a warm welcome. Don't stick the smile on your face because continuous smile looks artificial. Give smile or a decent laugh when anyone jokes and especially do not laugh on your own jokes. It looks awkward. Actually smiling gives a positive effect on other and consciously or sub-consciously the other person notices your flexible nature. As Smile is the key to the heart.Crossing Arms And Legs:
Whenever we communicate with anybody, the other person consciously or subconsciously notices us. The most apparent thing which is noticed is about our arms as well as our legs. Sometimes we cross our arms while conversing or sometimes we grab anything from our opposite hand or use our hands too much, shows the wrongness in our body language.Moreover we usually cross our legs in a way that our foot faces to someone's face which is most ill-mannered act, secondly when we cross our legs, our ankle touches our knee is actually the act of arrogance which does not allow us to take other person into confidence.
But the right way is Not to cross arms or legs because it is far better and more confident.
No Face Touch:
Whenever you touch your face, your tension or confused personality becomes apparent. Try not to touch the face. While conversing, the other person looks at your face and tries to understand you moreover he\she unconsciously also notices your gestures that if you are understanding him\her. The hands should only be used to to explain or describe your point otherwise it becomes distraction.No Fidgeting:
Fidgeting can be called the most negative aspect of good body language. People are used to fidget like they continuously shake their legs which actually shows the nervousness and also is the ill-mannered act. Moreover People tap their fingers on table and try to create a music or play with their fingers, stare at their nails or tik-tik of pen or rolling the ring in finger......these all are the signs of nervousness which does nothing but makes the other person loose interest in you.
So try to avoid such type of acts and keep your hands and legs in controlled because fidgeting makes you look like a personality less person.
Have Positive Attitude:
And at last the positive attitude is everything. We go through many stages of life where we face hardships and so staying positive become apprehensive that is why to be optimistic is the most important thing in life. An optimistic person always manages to solve the problems tactfully. Never get confused or nervous in public whenever you find yourself in a problem but smile because frowning appears unconsciously which is not a good thing for good body language. Always remember, the condition of your mind or what you are thinking should not be apparent to anyone.Use language positively: your language should be too positive which gives a good effect on others. For example; instead of using the word BOSSY you can use LEADERSHIP, IMPATIENT can be said as EAGER. SHE IS DISOBEDIENT can be said SHE IS SELF-DIRECTED. Moreover to have positive attitude, one must leave slang words behind. Do not use slang language consciously or unconsciously.
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