No one is born with strong mentality but one becomes strong by its own choice. Our life experiences make us strong but when it comes on taking some big decisions in life then here comes the test of our strong mentality. To be strong for everyone is necessary part so judge yourself whether you are strong or not by these traits of mentally strong people:
They keep everything in balance because of emotional intelligence:
Balancing life with all the aspects cannot be done by everyone. The main hurdle comes which disturb your balanced life is when you start giving more importance to your emotions. A mentally strong person is emotionally intelligent. He\she does not let his\her life disturbed in any way. Proper balance is when you set your life schedule to achieve the goals and do not let yourself distracted. You keep balance when you set the time to meet your lover and meets him\her at right time, when you give your parents the proper time, when you comes on social media with any specific purpose but not to linger and wander over it. They are not extremist in anything because balance counts much for them.
Confidence is their first priority:
They are always confident for what they are. They never underestimate themselves. They make their faults their power and generate confidence from it. For them, confidence is the key to success, they never forgets to take that key with them anywhere. Their confident gestures do not let them menial.
They know their worth:
Knowing own worth is the fundamental part of surviving in this world. Mentally strong people are always familiar with their worth, they always know of their faults and so recognizing the qualities becomes easy. They never heed others negative comments that "you can't do that, "You are not worthy of this" etc. Such type of phrases mean nothing for them because they understand themselves.
They never hesitate to say "NO":
As they always know of what they can do or not so acceptance or rejection keeps in their hands. According to the research, Who hesitates to say No experiences more stress than one who says No directly with confidence. They never use such type of phrases that "um sorry but I can't..." OR "if you please don't mind I can't...." Such type of phrases do not exist in their dictionary so they keep themselves away of it.This is how they give themselves more chances to experience more and more things.
They think positive:
They know that if confidence is the key to success then thinking positive is its route. Moreover they never surround themselves with negative people. They never agree on hearsay. They read books which gives them some positive lessons but do not let themselves think negative in any way. Further, they never loose hope, positive thinking gives them new hopes everyday.
They are patient:
They wait for the right time to achieve goals in life. Moreover they never regret or become impatient by loosing anything or someone beloved because they know becoming impatient will never help them but destroy them so they make themselves stronger and let it pass by thinking it an experience of life.
So be patient and and let it pass with a smile because this is what makes you stronger. And work for your goals, success will automatically find you.
They do not panic:
Most of us get panic when in trouble which makes us exhausted whereas if we focus on the solution we will get out of that problem quickly. Mentally strong people think of solution instead of getting more distressed. They don't bother everyone for the solution as they know to whom should they consult for the solution.So take a deep breath, stand yourself for making the right decision and do it carefully with strong mind.
They never compare themselves with others:
Comparing yourself with others will do nothing good rather destroy you. Mentally sick people have the habit of comparing themselves with others moreover they compare everyone with one another too so don't let yourself like this because mentally strong people know what they are and what they can be so comparing themselves with others never come in their minds.If you want to be mentally strong then these traits would help you in every storm of your life. Life experiences make us strong but how we deal with them is our real selves.
Which traits are present in yourself?
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